HC Deb 30 June 1986 vol 100 cc444-5W
Mrs. Peacock

asked the Secretary of State for Transport what allocation of time is set aside for driving instructors to speak to or discuss matters with their supervising approved driving instructors when problems occur.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The Department's supervising examiners (ADI) arrange their programme of work so that they are normally available in their offices each Friday to speak to instructors. In addition, the supervising examiner will offer to discuss an instructor's performance and any problems at the end of a test of continued fitness and ability.

Mrs. Peacock

asked the Secretary of State for Transport who is responsible for trainee driving instructors when their sponsoring approved driving instructor moves to another job.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

There is no specified "sponsoring" approved driving instructor. The Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) Regulations 1977 require only that there must always be at least one approved driving instructor working at the address specified on the trainee licence for every licence holder employed there.

Mrs. Peacock

asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he will take steps to ensure that the ratio of one driving instructor to one trainee is observed; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The Department's supervising examiners (ADI) carry out random checks on driving schools to confirm the observance of instructor/trainee ratios.

The Department investigates fully any alleged breaches.

Mrs. Peacock

asked the Secretary of State for Transport how many driving instructor trainee licences have been issued since the implementation of the Road Traffic (Driving Instruction) Act 1984; and how many subsequent trainee licences have been issued to the same applicants since that date.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

Since sections 2 to 5 of the Act came into operation on 20 May 1985, 2,766 trainee licences have been issued up to 31 May 1986. Of these(a)764 were first licences; (b) two were second licences following issue of one in a category (a); (c) 1,981 were second licences issued to trainees to whom a first licence had already been issued before implementation of the Act; (d) 19 were third licences to trainees in the same position as those in category (c).