HC Deb 23 June 1986 vol 100 cc12-3W
Mr. Kilroy-Silk

asked the Paymaster General what was the number of home workers by region and trade at the latest date for which figures are available.

Mr. Lang

The most recent national estimates of home workers are from the 1981 survey of home-based workers in England and Wales. Table 1 shows the number of home workers by region, distinguishing manufacturing home work from other white-collar and service sector work done at home. Table 2 shows the number of home workers in industry.

TABLE 2 National estimates: industry distribution of homeworkers, England and Wales 1981
Industry 1980 SIC(R) Divisions All working at home (excluding childminders and family workers)
Number per cent.
0 Agriculture 370 *
1 Energy and water supply 390 *
2 Chemicals and minerals extraction and manufacture 2,220 1
3 Metal goods, engineering and vehicles 9,260 4
4 Other manufacturing 53,070 23
5 Construction 2,640 1
6 Distribution, hotel and catering, repairs 36,700 16
7 Transport and communication 2,770 1
8 Insurance, financial and business services 50,730 22
9 Other services (professional and scientific, public administration, etc.) 69,890 30
Inadequately described 1,760 1