HC Deb 21 July 1986 vol 102 cc7-8W
Mr. Speller

asked the Secretary of State for Energy when his Department will redraft and recirculate the proposals for new electricity supply regulations in the light of the comments received from the Electricity Consumers Council.

Mr. Goodlad

The redrafting will be carried out over the next few months in light of the many helpful and constructive comments that have been received from a number of bodies, including the Electricity Consumers Council. Interested bodies will be consulted further on specific issues during the redrafting.

Mr. Speller

asked the Secretary of State for Energy why the 1937 electricity supply regulations are being redrafted; when the decision to redraft the regulations was taken; and on what date and at what stage in the redrafting process the views of the Electricity Council were sought.

Mr. Goodlad

Consideration has been given to this matter over a considerable period in view of developments since 1937. The Energy Act 1983 opened the way for increased private generation and this increased the need for revisions. Electricity Council staff took part in the early stages of the work following the Act but were not involved in decisions on, or the drafting of, the proposals which have been issued for general consultation. The council received the draft when this was circulated to other interested organisations.

Mr. Speller

asked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will list the energy organisations from whom comments were (a) requested and (b) received in the re-drafting of the electricity supply regulations.

Mr. Goodlad

The draft electricity supply regulations were sent to the following bodies with an invitation to comment and those marked with an asterisk have responded:

  • Association of County Councils.
  • Association of District Councils.
  • * Association of Metropolitan Authorities.
  • * Association of Supervisory and Executive Engineers.
  • * British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • * British Gas Corporation.
  • British Insulated Callender's Cables Pyrotenax Ltd.
  • * British Railways Board.
  • British Safety Council.
  • British Standards Institution.
  • * British Telecom.
  • * British Waterways Board.
  • * Combined Heat and Power Association.
  • * Confederation of British Industry.
  • Consumers Association.
  • * Convention of Scottish Local Authorities.
  • * Country Landowners Association.
  • Department of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
  • * Department of Economic Development, Northern Ireland.
  • Department of the Environment.
  • Department of Trade and Industry.
  • Department of Transport.
  • Electric Cable Makers Confederation.
  • * Electrical Association for Women.
  • * Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunication and Plumbing Union.
  • * Electrical Power Engineers' Association.
  • * Electricity Consumers' Council.
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  • * Electricity Council.
  • Engineering Equipment and Material Users' Association.
  • * Federation of British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers' Associations.
  • Fire Protection Association.
  • Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Manufacturers' Association.
  • * Health and Safety Executive.
  • Home Office.
  • * Imperial Chemical Industries, plc.
  • * Industry Department for Scotland.
  • Isle of Man Government.
  • Law Society.
  • * London Boroughs Association.
  • Manx Electricity Authority.
  • * Midlands Electricity Consultative Council.
  • * Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  • * Ministry of Defence.
  • National Caravan Council.
  • National Consumer Council.
  • * National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting.
  • National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers.
  • Northern Ireland Government.
  • Royal Institute of British Architects.
  • Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
  • Slough Industrial Estates.
  • * The Electrical Contractors' Association.
  • * The Electrical Contractors' Association of Scotland.
  • * The Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers' Association Ltd.
  • * The Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors.
  • The Institution of Civil Engineers.
  • * The Institution of Electrical Engineers.
  • * The Institution of Gas Engineers.
  • The Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
  • * The National Farmers' Union.
  • * The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
  • Trades Union Congress.
  • Treasury Solicitor's Department.
  • * United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.
  • Water Authorities Association.