HC Deb 30 January 1986 vol 90 cc566-9W
Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish in the Official Report table 3.12 of the public expenditure White Paper, Cmnd. 9702-II, with all figures converted to 1984–85 prices.

Sir Keith Joseph

The table revalues table 3.12 of Cmnd. 9702 to 1984–85 prices by application of the Treasury GDP deflator (which is assumed to increase by 4.5, 3.5 and 3 per cent. respectively in the years 1986–87 to 1988–89). The components may not always add exactly to the totals shown because the totals in table 3.12 in Cmnd. 9702 were derived from unrounded figures and the figures in the last two years (1986–87 and 1987–88) were rounded to the nearest £10 million and in earlier years to the nearest £1 million.

As explained in part 4, paragraph 10, of Cmnd. 9702, pending decisions on total local authority current expenditure in 1987–88 and 1988–89, the 1986–87 cash total and its distribution, including the figures for local authority education shown in table 3.12, have been rolled forward for a further two years. The Government will review the figures later this year in the light of the situation and prospects then.

1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89
outturn outturn outturn outturn outturn* estimated outturn† plans plans¶ plans¶
10.4 Miscellaneous education, services, research and administration,
Youth service
Current 3 2 3 3 3 4 4
Capital 3 1 1 1 1
Research and other services
Current 18 21 21 25 26 28 26 26 26
Capital 3 1
Current 36 36 35 46 46 48 47 44 43
Capital 1 2 2 1
10.5 Research Councils, etc.
Current 413 443 441 460 469 485 492 484 487
Capital 91 83 84 79 77 72 67 70 68
Total voted in Estimates 2,193 2,120 2,260 2,270 2,263 2,273 2,250 2,237 2,231
Other central government
10.1 Schools
Primary, secondary and other -4 -5 -4 -4 -4 -4
Total central government 2,188 2,115 2,256 2,266 2,259 2,270 2,250 2,237 2,231
Relevant current spending
10.1 Schools
Under fives 285 281 299 309 310 329 319 308 299
Primary 2,675 2,633 2,560 2,520 2,531 2,537 2,504 2,422 2,351
Secondary 3,786 3,853 3,862 3,895 3,912 3,855 3,726 3,601 3,497
Special schools 396 405 416 430 432 417 384 370 359
Other (supporting services and fees at non-maintained schools) 201 208 208 204 206 207 203 194 188
Transport 205 203 201 203 205 201 195 185 180
Meals and milk 509 462 448 444 425 406 255 247 239
10.2 Higher and further education (including teacher training) ║
Maintained sector advanced 582 587 664 663 666 648 613 590 573
Maintained sector non-advanced (except adult education) 882 921 957 971 975 920 819 792 769
Adult education 78 78 84 90 90 92 65 62 60
Other student awards 122 125 132 138 138 143 140 132 128
10.4 Miscellaneous education, services, research and administration
Youth Service 97 100 106 114 115 121 108 106 103
Research and other services 46 48 50 56 57 56 46 44 43
Administration 471 472 474 497 500 510 479 467 453
Total relevant current spending 10,336 10,374 10,459 10,535 10,560 10,443 9,856 9,528 9,250
Non-relevant current spending
10.2 Mandatory student awards║ 850 898 729 765 744 670 662 652 650
Local authority capital
10.1 schools
Under fives‡ 12 12 4 5 9 8 7 9 9
Primary, secondary and other 433 288 287 291 244 270 190 185 171
10.2 Higher and further education║
Non-universities 137 99 127 121 106 88 71 70 60
10.4 Miscellaneous education services
Youth service 8 7 13 10 15 10 7 9 9
Research and other services 15 15 20 16 16 15 5 9 9
Total local authority capital 605 422 450 442 390 390 281 273 256

1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89
outturn outturn outturn outturn outturn* estimated outturn† plans plans¶ plans¶
Total local authorities 11,792 11,693 11,638 11,743 11,694 11,503 10,800 10,452 10,148
Total Department of Education and Science 13,980 13,808 13,894 14,009 13,953 13,772 13,050 12,680 12,370

* The 1984–85 figures incorporate a distribution by sector of total current spending by local authorities based on their provisional outturn expenditure on education.

† The 1985–86 figures incorporate a provisional distribution by sector of total current spending by local authorities based on their budgets.

‡ From 1981–82 the under fives capital expenditure includes provision for the urban programme.

║ The change in the trend of higher education and student awards figures between 1981–82 and 1982–83 reflects the reduction in tuition fees described in Cmnd. 8494.

¶ Pending decisions on total local authority current expenditure in 1987–88 and 1988–89, the 1986–87 cash total and its distribution, including the figures for local authority education shown in this table, have been rolled forward for a further two years. The Government will review the figures later this year in the light of the situation and prospects then.