HC Deb 26 February 1986 vol 92 cc567-8W
Mr. Galley

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what advice has been offered to chief constables and police authorities on the establishment of schemes of lay visitors to police stations.

Mr. Hurd

Guidelines for the establishment and organisation of lay visitor schemes have today been issued to chief constables and police authorities in England and Wales. These are based on the procedures devised for the pilot schemes, and have been revised in the light of experience of lay-visiting to date. The guidelines are intended to commend the principle of lay visiting, and to provide a basis for those considering the establishment of schemes, but I have made it clear that they are open to local modification as circumstances demand. I shall welcome an assessment of the guidelines in the light of experience, so that further modifications can be considered where necessary.

Inner London Teachers' Salary rates at 1 April and 1 November 1985, and 1 April and 1 November 1986 if (i) the formal offer of 12 September 1985, (ii) the informal offer of 14 October 1985 or (iii) the agreement of 24 January 1986 were implemented; and the salary at present actually received.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
Category New Entrant Graduate Top of Scale 1 Mid-point Scale 2 Bottom Scale 3 Top of Scale 2 Top of Scale 3 Head Group 2 Head Group 12
Current Salary 7,290 9,594 9,042 8,772 10,635 12,069 12,111 21,744
(i) With implementation of improvements offered in Burnham Committee on 12 September
1 April 1985 7,770 10,074 9,522 9,252 11,115 12,620 12,664 22,779
1 November 1985 8,073 10,494 9,882 9,603 11,211 12,732 12,775 22,986
1 April 1986 8,073 10,494 9,882 9,603 11,547 13,125 12,775 22,986
1 November 1986 8,316 10,812 10,161 10,494 11,547 13,125 14,064 25,401
OR (ii) With implementation of informal offer of 14 October
1 April 1985 7,721 10,184 9,594 9,306 11,297 12,830 12,875 23,173
1 November 1985 7,975 10,184 9,889 9,594 11,297 12,830 12,875 23,173
1 April 1986 8,014 10,236 9,939 9,642 11,355 12,896 12,941 23,297
1 November 1986 8,275 10,236 10,235 9,939 11,355 12,896 12,941 23,297
OR (iii) With implementation of agreement of 24 January
1 April 1985 7,721 10,184 9,594 9,306 11,297 12,830 12,875 23,173

Like my predecessors I welcome the principle of lay visitors, first proposed in Lord Scarman's report on the Brixton disorders, as a practical means of developing public confidence in the police treatment of offenders. Their value was especially demonstrated in the afermath of last autumn's disorders, and I hope that consideration will be given to the establishment of lay visitor panels wherever they might have a part to play in the development of improved police-community relations.