HC Deb 12 December 1986 vol 107 cc307-10W
Mr. Flannery

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will publish in the Official Report the names of all the countries which have had access to the facilities for training at British military establishments for each year from 1982 to 1986, inclusive.

Mr. Freeman

The tables show the countries which have been provided with training at defence establishments in the United Kingdom for each of the financial years from 1981–82 through to 1985–86.

Financial Year 1985–86
Algeria Maldives
Austria Mauritius
Australia Mozambique
Bahamas Nepal
Bahrain Netherlands
Bangladesh New Zealand
Barbados Nigeria
Belgium Norway
Belize Oman
Bermuda Pakistan
Botswana Philippines
Brazil Portugal
Brunei Qatar
Canada Saudi Arabia
Chile Senegal
Denmark Sierra Leone
Ecuador Singapore
Egypt South Korea
Eire Spain
Fiji Sri Lanka
Finland St. Vincent
France Sudan
Gambia Swaziland
Ghana Sweden
Greece Switzerland
Guyana Tanzania
Hong Kong Thailand
India Trinidad/Tobago
Indonesia Tunisia
Iraq Turkey
Israel United Arab Emirates
Italy Uganda
Jamaica Uruguay
Japan United States of America
Jordan Venezuela
Kenya West Germany
Kuwait Yemen
Lebanon Yugoslavia
Lesotho Zaire
Malawi Zambia
Malaysia Zimbabwe

Financial Year 1984–85
Algeria Maldives
Australia Mauritius
Bahamas Montserrat
Bahrain Mozambique
Bangladesh Nepal
Barbados Netherlands
Belgium New Zealand
Belize Nigeria
Bermuda Norway
Botswana Oman
Brazil Pakistan
Brunei Philippines
Canada Portugal
Chile Qatar
Denmark Saudi Arabia
Ecuador Senegal
Egypt Sierra Leone
Eire Singapore
Fiji South Korea
Finland Spain
France Sri Lanka
Gambia St. Vincent
Ghana Sudan
Greece Swaziland
Guyana Sweden
Hong Kong Switzerland
Iceland Tanzania
India Thailand
Inonesia Trinidad/Tobago
Iraq Tunisia
Israel Turkey
Italy UAE
Jamaica Uganda
Japan USA
Jordan Venezuela
Kenya West Germany
Kuwait Yeman
Lebanon Yugoslavia
Libya Zaire
Malawi Zambia
Malaysia Zimbabwe

Financial year 1983–84
Algeria Jordan
Australia Kenya
Bahamas Kuwait
Bahrain Lebanon
Bangladesh Lesotho
Barbados Libya
Belgium Malawi
Belize Malaysia
Bermuda Maldives
Botswana Malta
Brazil Mauritius
Brunei Montserrat
Burma Nepal
Canada Netherlands
Chile New Zealand
Denmark Nigeria
Ecuador Norway
Egypt Oman
Eire Pakistan
Fiji Philippines
Finland Portugal
France Qatar
Gambia Saudi Arabia
Ghana Senegal
Greece Singapore
Guyana South Korea
Hong Kong Spain
Iceland Sri Lanka
India St. Kitts/St. Lucia
Indonesia St. Vincent
Iran Sudan
Iraq Swaziland
Israel Sweden
Italy Switzerland
Jamaica Tanzania
Japan Thailand

Trinidad/Tobago West Germany
Turkey Yemen
United Arab Emirates Zaire
Uganda Zambia
United States of America Zimbabwe

Financial year 1982–83
Australia Malaysia
Bahamas Maldives
Bahrain Mauritius
Bangladesh Nepal
Barbados Netherlands
Belgium New Zealand
Belize Nigeria
Bermuda Norway
Botswana Oman
Brazil Pakistan
Brunei Papau New Guinea
Burma Philippines
Canada Portugal
Chile Qatar
Denmark Saudi Arabia
Ecuador Senegal
Egypt Sierra Leone
Eire Singapore
Fiji South Korea
France Spain
Gambia Sri Lanka
Ghana St. Vincent
Greece Sudan
Guyana Swaziland
Hong Kong Sweden
India Switzerland
Indonesia Tanzania
Iran Thailand
Iraq Trinidad/Tobago
Israel Turkey
Italy United Arab Emirates
Jamaica Uganda
Japan United States of America
Jordan Venezuela
Kenya West Germany
Kuwait Yemen
Lebanon Zaire
Lesotho Zambia
Libya Zimbabwe

Financial Year 1981–82
Argentina Israel
Australia Italy
Bahamas Jamaica
Bahrain Japan
Bangladesh Jordan
Barbados Kenya
Belgium Kuwait
Belize Lebanon
Bermuda Lesotho
Botswana Libya
Brazil Malawi
Brunei Malaysia
Burma Mauritius
Canada Moroco
Chile Nepal
Denmark Netherlands
Ecuador New Zealand
Egypt Nigeria
Eire Norway
Fiji Oman
France Pakistan
Gambia Papua New Guinea
Ghana Peru
Greece Philippines
Guyana Portugal
Hong Kong Qatar
India Saudi Arabia
Indonesia Senegal
Iran Sierra Leone
Iraq Singapore

South Korea Trinidad/Tobago
Spain Tonga
Sri Lanka Turkey
St. Lucia United Arab Emirates
St. Vincent Uganda
Sudan United States of America
Swaziland Venezuela
Sweden West Germany
Switzerland Yemen
Syria Zaire
Tanzania Zambia
Thailand Zimbabwe

Mr. Flannery

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will publish in the Official Report the names of all the countries which have had access to training by members of Her Majesty's armed forces serving overseas on secondment or loan for each year from 1982 to 1986, inclusive.

Mr. Stanley

The following table shows the countries and territories in which members of Her Majesty's armed forces have served on loan or secondment terms from 1982 to 1986—except where a lesser period is indicated:

Country Kuwait
Australia Lesotho
Bahamas to 1985 Malaysia to 1983
Bahrain Mauritius
Bangladesh New Zealand
Barbados Nigeria
Belize Oman
Bermuda Qatar
Brunei Saudi Arabia
Chile Singapore to 1984
Dubai only 1982 Sri Lanka to 1983
Ecuador to 1985 St. Lucia from 1986
Fiji St. Vincent
Gambia from 1984 Sudan
Ghana Swaziland
Hong Kong Uganda
Indonesia only to 1982 United Arab Emirates
Jordan Zimbabwe*
* Since January 1986 a Wing of the British Military Advisory and Training Team in Zimbabwe has been specifically allocated to train Mozambican troops within Zimbabwe.

Some of these personnel have filled posts in overseas staff colleges and similar establishments which may have been attended by students from countries other than the host nation. Records of such students are not held centrally and it would require disproportionate cost to establish precise details.