HC Deb 12 December 1986 vol 107 cc269-71W
Dr. Godman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions have been held between Her Majesty's Government and representatives of the Argentine Government, directly or through intermediaries, concerning policing of the part of the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone which touches or overlaps with the fishing zone claimed by Argentina and affected by its agreement with the Soviet Union.

Mr. Eggar

No specific discussions have been held; but as my right hon. and learned Friend said in his statement to the House on 29 October, he has put a suggestion to the Argentine Foreign Minister toreview how Britain and Argentina can co-operate to support conservation on a regional basis.

Dr. Godman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he is now in a position to state the names, ownership, age and gross registered tonnage of the two fishing vessels which are to be employed in the policing of the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone.

Mr. Eggar

The Falkland Islands Government have chartered two vessels from J. Marr and Son of Hull, the GA Reay and the Seisella. The former, GRT 928 tons, was built in 1968 and the latter, GRT 1,144 tons, in 1969.

Dr. Godman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) if he will publish in the Official Report the anticipated total annual cost of chartering the two fishing vessels which are to police the Falkland Islands fisheries zone; and if he will break down this overall cost into its component elements;

(2) if he is in a position to state the total complement, including relief crews, of the two fishing vessels which are to be employed in the policing of the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone; and by whom they will be employed;

(3) what will be the complement of each of the two fishing vessels which are to police the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone; how long each ship will be expected to remain on station; if relief crews will be recruited from the United Kingdom or the Falkland Islands community; and if United Kingdom based leave entitlement is a condition of employment for the United Kingdom crew members.

Mr. Eggar

The contracts for these vessels have just been signed. The details are not yet available. Subject to the considerations of commercial confidence I shall write to the hon. Member once these are known.

Dr. Godman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what training has been undertaken by those persons employed on the two fishing vessels chartered to police the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone; and whether any trades unions were involved in the negotiations concerning terms and conditions of employment.

Mr. Eggar

Advisors from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, fisheries inspectorate have been in regular contact with the owners and crew of the two protection vessels chartered by the Falkland Islands Government to ensure that their levels of training are adequate for the task. Terms and conditions are a matter for agreement between owners and crews or their representatives.

Mr. Godman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he is now in a position to state the anticipated annual cost of the chartering of the civilian aircraft which is to be employed in the policing of the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone; and if he will break down the cost into its component parts.

Mr. Eggar

The contract for the civilian aircraft is being negotiated and the details are not yet available.

Dr. Godman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he is able to state when the two fishing vessels, which are to police the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone, will arrive on station.

Mr. Eggar

The two fisheries protection vessels will be in place shortly before the Falkland Islands conservation zone (FICZ) comes into effect on 1 February 1987.

Dr. Godman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if it is Her Majesty's Government's intention to replace, at some future date, the two fishing vessels chartered to police the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone by newly constructed fisheries protection vessels of the kind employed on such work in United Kingdom waters.

Mr. Eggar

This is a matter for the Falkland Islands Government who are responsible for administering the Falkland Islands conservation zone (FICZ). No decision has yet been taken about the possible replacement of the two chartered fisheries protection vessels.

Dr. Godman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will publish in the Official Report the number and countries of origin of the applications for licences to fish in the Falkland Islands fishery conservation zone, the criteria by which such licences are awarded to successful applicants and the price of these licences.

Mr. Eggar

Applications for licences for the Falkland Islands conservation zone (FICZ) have been received from most of the fleets which in the past have fished in Falklands waters and are still being processed. The number of vessels to be licensed will take account of conservation requirements. The cost of the licences will vary according to the size of the vessel and method of fishing, period and area to be fished, and target species: I shall write to the hon. Member with the details of licence fees.

Mr. Foulkes

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what applications were received for licences to fish in the Falkland Islands fishing zone at the closing date, relating to applicant, country of application and nature of application; and how this compares in the case of each country to the position over the past year.

Mr. Eggar

Applications are now being processed. Applications have been received from most of the fleet active in the fishery last year, but also from others. The overall picture is not yet clear.

Mr. Foulkes

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what criteria will be used in deciding whether to award licences to applicants wishing to fish in the Falkland Island fisheries zone; what quota restrictions will be applied; and what restrictions on fishing gear will be imposed to conserve fish stocks.

Mr. Eggar

The Falkland Islands Government are considering all licence applications and will allocate licences in accordance with the limits imposed by conservation requirements. The licensing arrangements will take account of the more intensive fishing methods employed by the squid jigging vessels.