HL Deb 21 April 1986 vol 473 c1064WA
Lord Hylton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What in-service training, especially in character-observations and report-writing, is given to prison staff at the level of prison wings, who provide the basic data for reviews of sentences for those serving life and other indeterminate sentence; and whether there are significant differences in either policy or practice between the various jurisdictions within the United Kingdom.

Lord Glenarthur

A mixture of regional and local training is available for staff who work with life sentence prisoners. The five-day regional course is currently being revised. The new course is expected to begin later this year and training in the assessment and handling of long-term prisoners and in report-writing will continue to be important elements. A short video film is to be produced later this year to assist local training, which is provided at the discretion of the governor. In addition, special presentations are made to staff in all newly designated lifer establishments.

I understand that in Scotland and Northern Ireland, as part of the review procedure, account is taken of reports by prison officers who are in day-to-day contact with the prisoner. These officers receive appropriate induction and development training in the principles governing the release of life sentence prisoners and in reporting on the attitude and behaviour of the prisoners under their direct supervision.