HC Deb 16 April 1986 vol 95 cc387-8W
Mr. Ashdown

asked the Paymaster General if he will estimate the shortfall in computer skilled trainees for employment in the computer industry; and if he plans to close this gap.

Mr. Trippier

The Government are aware of a growing demand for skilled computer staff, from the computer industry itself, and more widely.

The Government are contributing to the alleviation of skills shortages in a number of ways. In March 1985, £43 million was allocated over three years to provide 5,000 extra engineering and technology places in higher education. Manpower Services Commission schemes, including the job training scheme, the threshold scheme and YTS training in information technology centres provide training in computing skills. Some 20 per cent. of local grant expenditure under the adult training programme is spent on helping firms to purchase training in information technology skills.

As well as using direct funding, it is a key aim of the adult training strategy to improve the working of the training market so that, among other things, firms and training providers take action earlier to perceive and tackle incipient skill shortages. The Government also welcome the establishment of the information technology skills agency which seeks to co-ordinate efforts by industry, education and the Government to overcome computing skills shortages.