HL Deb 24 October 1985 vol 467 c1370WA
Lord Kennet

asked her Majesty's Government:

Whether, given the apparent disagreement between the parties to the ABM treaty, before entering into an agreement with the US Administration on any SDI-related work they will obtain from the parties an agreed interpretation in respect of permitted research, testing, development, etc., of ballistic missile defences and of anti-ballistic missile systems "based on other physical principles.

Baroness Young

The United States Administration has repeatedly made clear that the SDI research programme is being conducted in conformity with the ABM treaty. The noble Lord may wish also to refer to Annex B of the US Department of Defense's report to the Congress on the strategic defence initiative, copies of which I am placing in the Library of the House. This addressess the question of the SDI's compliance with the ABM treaty.