HC Deb 07 March 1985 vol 74 cc597-8W
Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what plans he has to increase the number of computers used in social security offices; and what assessments he intends to make of the possible effects this could have on his Department's manpower levels.

Mr. Whitney

Our plans for the application of new technology to social security are embraced within our operational strategy for social security, which provides a managerial and conceptual framework for a number of individual computer projects. The first of these to be introduced to the Department's local offices will be the local office microcomputer project, which will provide support to staff dealing with supplementary benefit. In total, some 2,600 microcomputers will be installed in over 450 offices. National implementation is scheduled to begin this summer and be completed within a year. At an earlier stage of planning is the local office project, which will link social security local offices into a rational network. On current plans national implementation of LOP will commence in 1988–89. We expect these investments to improve markedly the service we provide for beneficiaries. The methods to assess the staffing implications of the changes will be discussed with the departmental trade unions. Discussions on LOMP are taking place at the present time.

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