HC Deb 05 March 1985 vol 74 c450W
Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will have discussions with representatives of the National Foundation for Educational Research about their work carried out on demands imposed on further education careers advisers.

Mr. Brooke

No. Careers education and guidance for students in further education, whether through the college itself or the careers service, is provided by the local education authorities, to whose attention I commend the report of the recent NFER study.

Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what resources he intends to make available for improving audio-visual and video equipment facilities of further and higher education careers advisory services.

Mr. Brooke

The funding of equipment purchases for maintained colleges of further and higher education is the responsibility of the local education authority concerned. The importance the Government attach to the updating and improvement of information and guidance services in colleges is demonstrated by our decision to fund the development of a comprehensive computer-aided careers guidance system for students and by our support for the educational counselling and credit transfer information service.