§ Mr. Wilsonasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what progress has been made since 1982 in reaching the 392W target figure recommended in the Peters report of 0.6 community places per 1,000 population for mentally handicapped persons.
§ Mr. John MacKayProvision as at 31 March 1984 was equivalent to 0.32 places per 1,000 population as against 0.26 at 31 March 1982. The breakdown of places is as follows:
Homes for the Mentally Handicapped Bed Complement 1982 1984 Local authority homes 707 741 Registered homes 535 676 Other homes known to social work departments 109 248 Total 1,351 1,665 Note:
1. Figures for 1982 are contained in Social Work Services Group Statistical Bulletin "Residential Accommodation for the Elderly and Certain Other Adults, 1982". Copies of the bulletin are available in the Library.
2. Figures for 1984 are provisional pending publication.