HC Deb 10 June 1985 vol 80 cc353-5W
Mr. Pendry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many registered males and registered females are currently employed in Hattersley within the metropolitan district of Tameside; and how much greater is the proportion of unemployed people in this area than it was in May 1979.

Mr. Alan Clark

The information is not available, but unemployment figures for individual wards will be available in the Library shortly.

Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many people have been unemployed in the county of Derbyshire for (a) more than five years, (b) between four and five years, (c) between three and four years, (d) between two and three years and (e) between one and two years.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following information is available in the Library. The figures relate to 11 April 1985, the latest date for which an analysis of unemployment by duration is available. Figures given are for Derbyshire defined in terms of jobcentre areas. The full range of analyses by age and duration will shortly be available for areas defined in terms of wards.

Unemployed claimants-Derbyshire 11 April 1985
Duration of unemployment
More than five years 1,704
Between four and five years 2,222
Between three and four years 3,069
Between two and three years 4,500
Between one and two years 9,252

Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many (a) part-time and (b) full-time jobs were created in 1982, 1983 and 1984.

Mr. Alan Clark

Information about job gains and job losses is not available from the Department's statistics, but an indication of the net changes can be seen by comparing levels of employees in employment at different dates.

The following table gives the available information from the employees in employment series. Data are collected quarterly and the figures in the table reflect the changes between December each year. Analyses of full-time and part-time jobs are available from the series only for female employees in employment.

Employees in employment, Great Britain: annual changes at December each year
All males Females
full-time part-time
1981–82 –276,000 –201,000 15,000
1982–83 –129,000 –53,000 219,000
1983–84 –60,000 –14,000 187,000


In this table an employee is classified as full-time if she normally works more than 30 hours a week.

The labour force survey provides information on a different basis. The following table shows the available survey estimates of the change in the number of persons in full-time and part-time employment.

Persons in employment, Great Britain: Labour Force Survey estimates
Change between spring 1981 and spring 1983 Change between spring 1983 and spring 1984
Persons in full-time
employment –753,000 ²10,000
Persons in part-time
employment –99,000 ²474,000


In this table a person is shown as full-time if he regards his job as a full-time job. Figures include both employees and the self-employed. Estimates of the change between 1981 and 1983 are subject to greater error because of changes in the survey questions.

Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what percentage of people unemployed in 1955, 1965 and 1975 were out of work for more than one year; and what is the comparable figure at the latest available date.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following information is in the Library. The table shows the percentage of the unemployed in Great Britain who had been unemployed for over one year. Figures are given for unemployed registrants in March 1955, April 1965 and April 1975, and for unemployed claimants at April 1985. Figures are also shown on both bases for October 1982, when the basis of the unemployment count has changed. The figures are also affected by the provisions of the 1983 Budget which mean that since April 1983 certain men aged over 60 need no longer sign on at an unemployment benefit office.

Unemployed over one year as a percentage of total unemployed-Great Britain
Date Per Cent
Registered unemployed
March 1955 10.4
April 1965 17.4
April 1975 14.7
October 1982 35.3

Date Per Cent
Unemployed claimants
October 1982 32.1
April 1985 40.4

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