- Teachers (Appraisal and Promotion) 257 words
- General Certificate of Secondary Education 105 words
- Schools (Parental Choice) 34 words
- Mature Students 155 words
- Teachers (Pay Dispute) 577 words
- School Buildings 174 words
- Adult Education 80 words
- Church and Independent Schools 57 words
- Teaching Profession 88 words
- 16 to 19-year-olds 101 words
- Education Budget 126 words
- Grammar Schools 40 words
- 18 to 19-year-olds 134 words
- Oxford and Cambridge Universities 95 words
- General Teachers Council 119 words
- Church Schools 62 words
- Community Education 72 words
- Burnham Committee 88 words
- Agricultural Research Budget 153 words
- 16-plus Examination 69 words
- School Governing Bodies 38 words
- Higher Education 217 words
- Education Costs 91 words
- Teacher Training 122 words
- Truancy 113 words
- Independent Schools (Public Facilities) 58 words
- University Places 130 words
- In-service Education and Training 135 words
- Comprehensive Schools 81 words
- Youth Training Scheme 48 words
- Primary and Secondary Education 87 words
- Overseas Students 63 words
- Universities (Research Grants) 114 words
- Clinical Academics (Pay) 696 words
- University Students (Scotland) 173 words
- Natural Environment Research Council 245 words
- Corporal Punishment 135 words
- School Meals 163 words
- Technology in Schools 365 words