The Hon. Peter Brooke, MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Education and Science
§ Members
- Coucillor P. D. Merridale, Association of County Councils
- Councillor Mrs. J. Farringdon, Association of County Councils
- Councillor P. White, Association of County Councils 193
- Councillor Mrs. N. Harrison, Association of Metropolitan Authorities
- Councillor J. D. Pearman, Association of Metropolitan Authorities
- Councillor B. A. Sams, Association of Metropolitan Authorities
- Mr. C. J. E. Ball, Chairman of the Board
§ Terms of Reference
- 1. In the light of the resources specified for local authority higher education in England by the Secretary of State after consultation with the local authorities, and of the resources specified by him for the voluntary colleges, to consider, on the basis of recommendations from the Board, the academic provision to be made in each of the institutions within the NAB's remit.
- 2. To advise the Secretary of State on the appropriate use of his powers with regard to the apportionment of the advanced further education pool, the allocation of resources for capital expenditure for local authority higher education, the allocation of resources to the voluntary colleges, and the approval of advanced courses.
- 3. To monitor the implementation by local authorities and institutions of dispositions made by the Secretary of State in the light of this advice.
- 4. In formulating this advice, to contribute to a co-ordinated approach to provision, as necessary in relevant academic fields, between the local authority, voluntary, university and direct grant sectors of higher education; and between the provision in England and that in other countries of the United Kingdom.
- 5. To undertake or commission such studies or to seek such information as appear necessary for the determination of such advice.
- 6. The institution within the remit of the NAB are all the local authority maintained or assisted institutions of further education offering courses of advanced further education and the following voluntary colleges:
- Newman College
- Westhill College
- West Sussex Institute*
- Homerton College
- Christ Church College
- College of St. Paul and St. Mary
- Chester College
- Derbyshire College of Higher Education*
- St. Martin's College
- Trinity and All Saints' College
- Bishop Grosseteste College
- Liverpool Institute of Higher Education
- Roehampton Institute of Higher Education
- St. Mary's College
- West London Institute*
- De La Salle College
- Westminster College
- College of St. Mark and St. John
- La Sainte Union College of Higher Education
- King Alfred's College
- College of Ripon and York St. John
- * Jointly maintained institutions