HC Deb 09 January 1985 vol 70 cc465-7W
Mr. Sheerman

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will list all the local education authorities which have (a) applied and (b) been accepted to participate in the technical and vocational education initiative.

Mr. Peter Morrison

The information requested is set out as follows by the academic year in which the proposed project is or was due to start. No decisions have been taken about applications for 1985–86.

For projects to start at the beginning of the academic year: 1983–84

Local Education Authority
Barnet Kingston upon Thames
Barnsley Leeds
Bedfordshire Leicestershire
Berkshire Lincolnshire
Bexley Liverpool
Birmingham Merton
Bradford Mid-Glamorgan
Bromley Newcastle upon Tyne
Buckinghamshire Newham
Cambridgeshire Norfolk
Cheshire Northamptonshire
Clywd Northumberland
Cornwall North Yorkshire
Coventry Oxfordshire
Cumbria Redbridge
Derbyshire Rochdale
Devon Sandwell
Doncaster Solihull
Dorset Somerset
Dudley South Tyneside
Dyfed Staffordshire
Ealing Stockport
East Sussex Suffolk
Enfield Surrey
Gateshead Tameside
Gloucestershire Walsall
Hampshire Waltham Forest
Haringey Warwickshire
Harrow West Glamorgan
Hereford and Worcester West Sussex
Hertfordshire Wigan
Hertfordshire Wiltshire
Hillingdon Wirral
Isle of Wight

Bedfordshire Bradford
Birmingham Clywd

Devon Staffordshire
Enfield Wigan
Hereford and Worcester Wirral
Sandwell 1984–85

Local Education Authority
Bexley Northamptonshire
Bolton Northumberland
Bromley North Tyneside
Buckinghamshire North Yorkshire
Bury Oxfordshire
Calderdale Powys
Cambridgeshire Redbridge
Cheshire Richmond
Cleveland Rochdale
Cornwall Salford
Coventry Sheffield (withdrew)
Croydon Shropshire
Cumbria Solihull
Derbyshire Somerset
Doncaster South Tyneside
Dorset Stockport
Durham Suffolk
Dudley Sunderland
Dyfed Surrey
Ealing Tameside
West Sussex Walsall
Essex Waltham Forest
Gateshead Warwickshire
Gloucestershire West Glamorgan
Gwent West Sussex
Gwynedd Wiltshire
Hampshire Wolverhampton
Harrow Education Authority*
Havering Borders
Isle of Wight Central
Kent Dumfries and Galloway
Kingston upon Thames Fife
Kirklees Lothian
Leeds Strathclyde
Lincolnshire Tayside
Merton Western Isles
Newcastle upon Tyne * Scotland joined the Technical and Vocational

Initiate in 1984.

Bolton Kirklees (withdrew)
Buckinghamshire Leeds (withdrew)
Bury Lincolnshire
Cambridgeshire Mid-Glamorgan
Cheshire Newcastle upon Tyne
Cleveland Norfolk
Cornwall Northamptonshire
Coventry North Tyneside
Croydon Northumberland
Cumbria Powys
Derbyshire Richmond
Doncaster Shropshire
Dorset (withdrew) Solihull
East Sussex Somerset
Durham South Tyneside
Dudley Stockport
Essex Suffolk
Gloucestershire Sunderland
Gwent Surrey
Gwynedd Tameside
Hampshire Warwickshire
Havering West Glamorgan
Isle of Wight

Education Authority Fife
Borders Strathclyde
Dumfries and Galloway

Applications Only
Local Education Authority
Bromley West Sussex
Dyfed Wiltshire
Ealing Wolverhampton
Kent Education Authority
Kingston upon Thames Lothian
North Yorkshire Strathclyde
Nottinghamshire Tayside
Redbridge Western Isles
South Glamorgan

Estimates of Education/Labour Market Status of Young People Great Britain (January each year)
Aged 16*
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
No (000) Per cent. No (000) Per cent. No (000) Per cent. No (000) Per cent. No (000) Per cent.
Total population† 900 100 920 100 930 100 910 100 900 100
Full-time education 380 42 400 44 440 48 440 49 410 45
— Schools 260 28 270 30 290 32 290 32 280 31
— Further education‡ 120 13 130 14 150 16 150 17 130 14
YTS/YOP 50 6 100 10 130 14 170 19 220 25
Claimant/registered unemployed║ 50 6 110 12 110 12 130 14 110 13
Other¶ (mainly employed outside YTS) 420 47 310 34 250 26 170 19 160 18
Aged 17*
Total population† 880 100 900 100 930 100 930 100 910 100
Full-time education 220 25 260 28 260 28 290 32 280 31
— Schools 140 16 160 18 160 17 180 19 170 19
— Further education‡ 80 9 100 11 100 11 120 12 110 12
YTS/YOP 20 2 40 4 50 5 70 7 50 6
Claimant/registered unemployed║ 80 9 120 14 160 17 160 17 160 17
Other¶ (mainly employed outside YTS) 560 64 490 54 460 50 410 44 420 46
* Ages as at 31 August of preceding year.
† Estimates for 1980 and 1981 are based on pre-1981 Census information.
‡ Excluding YTS/YOP.
≑ Claimant unemployed for 1983 and 1984; registered unemployed prior to 1983.
¶ Mainly those in employment outside YTS. Also includes some who are seeking work but not claiming benefit (for 1983 and 1984) or not registered for employment (prior to 1983), some who are neither employed nor seeking work (eg because of domestic responsibilities) and net errors in the other estimates.

Estimates are rounded to the nearest 10,000.

Mr. Sheerman

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the number and percentage of unemployment among 16 and 17-year-olds (a) nationally, (b) by ethnic origin, (c) by region and (d) by sex at the last available date and for September, January and June in each of the past five years.

Mr. Alan Clark

Information on unemployed persons under 18, nationally and regionally by sex for January, April, July and October for each of the past five years, is available in the House of Commons Library. The unemployment rates for under 18-year-olds by sex since January 1980 appear in table 2.15 of the December 1984 issue ofEmployment Gazette; however, unemployment rates by age are not available by region.

Following the change in the basis of the unemployment