HL Deb 04 April 1985 vol 462 c423WA
Lord Hylton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will authorise the starting of work on the Belfast cross-city rail link, connecting the Larne and Dublin lines, following the economies made in standard capital grants; and what proportion of EEC funding the rail link could be expected to attract.

Lord Lyell

No. I can, however, advise the noble Lord that an updated analysis of the costs and benefits associated with this proposed cross-city rail link will form part of a review of transport policy which is being undertaken in connection with the preparation of a new plan for the Belfast urban area. No proposal for European Regional Development Fund support has yet been submitted to the Commission.

As the rail link is included in the Belfast integrated operations document it would be likely to be considered for European Community grant aid, if and when the project were to proceed.