HC Deb 29 November 1984 vol 68 cc572-3W
Mr. Ron Davies

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if the Government have any plans to carry out or fund any research into the incidence of cancer among farmers, farm workers and residents in areas of high pesticide use;

(2) if he will seek to assess the incidence of ear, nose, throat and other cancers in areas with high rates of agrochemical use.

Mr. John Patten

The research needs of the Department in this field are met by the Medical Research Council, which is the main Government-funded body supporting medical research from its grant-in-aid under the Science Vote of the Department of Education and Science.

The MRC environmental epidemiology unit at Southampton is investigating the possibilities of research in this field and is keeping the Department informed.

Our medical advisers are aware of a survey of Swedish agricultural workers in which it was found that the risk for most types of cancer of contracting the disease was lower than the respective national average. In some cases, the diminution of risk was statistically significant. For less than a quarter of the cancers, the risk was slightly greater than the national average.

In view of the work being carried out by the Medical Research Council and the reassuring results of the Swedish survey, further studies at present would seem unnecessary.