§ Mrs. Renée Shortasked the Attorney-General how many stipendiary magistrates he intends to appoint in order to deal with cases arising from the miners' dispute; which authority will be responsible for paying them; and if he intends to meet the full cost of their salaries and of other supporting staff.
§ The Attorney-GeneralTo date, 12 stipendiaries have been appointed by my noble and learned Friend the Lord Chancellor to sit between 22 November and 21 December at Birkenhead, Chesterfield, Pontefract, Rotherham, St. Helen's and Scunthorpe. The sittings are continuous at Chesterfield and Rotherham; elsewhere they are occasional or intermittent. Further appointments will be made if requested by the relevant magistrates' courts committees. The full cost of the salaries, fees and expenses of the stipendiaries is as always met by the Crown. If additional supporting staff is required, the cost will be included in the expenses of the magistrates' courts committee concerned in the normal way.