HC Deb 13 November 1984 vol 67 cc210-1W
Mr. Ernie Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what information his Department has on the number and percentage of unemployed in Scotland by social class from the 1981 census.

Mr. John MacKay

The information requested is as follows:

1981 census—Scotland Economically active usually resident by social class
Social Class Economically Active Out of employment
Number Percentage
(a) (b) (c)
I Professional etc. occupations 82,790 1,760 2.1
II Intermediate occupations 452,480 15,710 3.5
III (N) Skilled occupations—non-manual 491,600 24,350 5.0
III (M) Skilled occupations—manual 606,770 68,280 11.3
IV Partly skilled occupations 452,540 55,040 12.2
V Unskilled occupations 185,350 36,080 19.5
inadequately described, persons with no previous job and Armed Forces 129,820 93,940 72.4
Total 2,401,350 295,160 12.3


  1. (1) The economically active include persons in employment (that is in a job at any time in the week before the census) and persons out of employment (that is those who in the week before the census were either seeking work, prevented by temporary sickness from seeking work, or waiting to take up a job already accepted.
  2. (2) Social class is based on occupation for those persons in employment and on the last full-time occupation (if any) for persons out of employment.
  3. (3) Figures in columns (a) and (b) have been grossed-up from a 10 per cent. sample.

Mr. Ernie Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what information his Department possesses on the number and percentage of unemployed in Dundee by social class from the 1981 census.

Mr. John MacKay

This information is not available in the form requested.

Mr. Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many young people (a) under the age of 18 years and (b) under the age of 21 years, in Dundee, have never been in full-time employment since leaving school.

Mr. Allan Stewart

I regret the information is not available in the precise form requested. Figures for young people who have not been in employment since leaving school are compiled for the age bands up to 18, 18 and 19 and over and are available in the House of Commons Library.

Mr. Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish in the Official Report an analysis by duration of unemployment, by number and by percentage, at the latest available date for Dundee, in respect of the following groups: (a) up to six months, (b) over six months, up to one year, (c) over one year and up to two years, (d) over two years and up to three years and (e) three years and over; and if he will give comparable figures for Scotland.

Mr. Allan Stewart

I refer the hon. Member to my right hon. Friend's letter to him of 22 October. The information requested is available in the House of Commons Library.