§ Mr. Dobsonasked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list those districts which have appointed staff to monitor consultants' work loads and provide timetables of their private and National Health Services sessions.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeI am not aware of any such appointments.
§ Mr. Dobsonasked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will give for each year since 1980 the total number of full-time consultants who declared that their earnings from their private practice in the previous year had exceeded 10 per cent. of their National Health Service salary.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeWe do not collect this information centrally.
§ Mr. Dobsonasked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will give for the latest available year and for each region, district, special health authority and board of governors, the total number of consultants holding (a) full-time, (b) maximum part-time and (c) other part-time contracts.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeThe total number of consultants holding(a) whole-time (b) maximum part-time and (c) other part-time contracts for each regional health authority, special health authority and board of governors at 30 September 1983 is given in the table. This information is not available centrally for individual district health authorities.
Hospital Medical and Dental Consultants Employed in England Analysis by Nature of Contract at 30 September 1983 Number by Nature of Contract Regional Health Authority/SHA/BG Total Whole-time Max. part-time Other part-time* England 14,197 6,400 4,416 1,519 Northern 908 624 181 44 Yorkshire 925 492 331 25 Trent 1,096 609 315 51 East Anglian 514 274 167 29 NW Thames 1,153 360 375 217 NE Thames 1,546 444 464 324 SE Thames 1,193 467 381 182 SW Thames 903 326 348 128 Wessex 728 344 259 40 Oxford 619 244 254 43 South Western 808 403 308 31 West Midlands 1,274 704 422 58 Mersey 666 367 181 39 North Western 1,207 603 430 60 Sick Children 122 23 — 43 Nervous Diseases 65 12 — 34 Moorfields 55 5 — 35 Bethlem and Maudsley 80 20 — 16 Nat. Heart and Chest 87 28 — 47 Royal Marsden 52 9 — 32 Hammersmith 133 22 — 15 Queen Charlottes 31 10 — 18 Eastman Dental 32 10 — 8 * A break down of maximum part-time contracts is not readily available for SHAs and BGs. In the case of SHAs and BGs these figures relate to all part-time staff. NB. As doctors may hold appointments in more than one Region there may be an element of duplication in figures given.
§ Mr. Dobsonasked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average number of hours a week worked for the National Health Service by consultants holding (a) full-time, (b) maximum part-time and (c) other part-time contracts.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeConsultants holding whole-time and maximum part-time contracts are both considered full-time, and are expected to give "substantially the whole of their professional time" to their National Health Service duties. In both cases there is an open-ended commitment, and in the case of those holding maximum part-time contracts there is a minimum commitment of 10 sessions per week. Those holding ordinary part-time contracts work up to nine sessions per week according to the terms of the contract, the average number of sessions worked being 5.1. A session is notionally 3½ hours, but its actual length will depend on clinical requirements.