HC Deb 21 March 1984 vol 56 c506W
Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) how many meals were served in lunch clubs for the elderly in 1983 and in each year from 1979;

(2) how many meals on wheels were served per 1,000 of the elderly population over 65 years in 1983 and in each year from 1979;

(3) how many lunch club meals per 1,000 population aged 65 years and over were served in 1983 and in each year from 1979.

Mr. John Patten

Information on the provision of meals is not collected separately for elderly people and other groups, but the best estimate available is that about 98 per cent. of meals go to elderly people. Using this estimate, the figures for England are as follows:

Estimated figures for meals served per 1,000 people aged 65 and over
Lunch Clubs
Year ending 31 March Total Number (millions) Estimated Number going to elderly people (millions) Meals on Wheels Meals in lunch clubs
1979 14.77 14.47 3,724 2,101
1980 14.71 14.41 3,796 2,066
1981 14.43 14.14 3,745 2,001
1982 13.21 12.95 3,733 1,822
1983* 13.09 12.83 3,828 1,805
* Provisional.