§ Mr. Lyellasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the result of the interdepartmental review on land drainage commenced in early 1983; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mrs. FennerThe interdepartmental review on land drainage has not yet been completed. However once the review is concluded a consultation paper will be produced so that interested parties can have a chance to make their views known.
§ Mr. Kenneth Carlisleasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether, in cases of arterial land drainage capital schemes, the application forms for grant-aid to his Department by a drainage authority and accompanying engineer's reports are regarded as being public documents, or whether they are confidential to his Department and the drainage authority concerned.
§ Mrs. FennerApplications for grant, and accompanying engineer's reports, are matters between the applicant drainage authority and the Ministry. However, as the Government undertook in the debates on the Water Bill earlier this year, the possibility of disclosing the results of cost-benefit assessments will be included in the discussion paper to be issued following the: inter-departmental review of land drainage and coast protection.