HC Deb 16 January 1984 vol 52 c119W
Mr. Deakins

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if there are any major differences between the United Kingdom and other European Economic Community countries in the provisions made for employees injured in accidents at work.

Dr. Boyson

There are no special provisions for employees injured in accidents at work in Greece or the Netherlands. Details of provisions as at 1 January 1983 for employees in the other member States of the European Communities are given in section VI of the Department of Health and Social Security publication, "Tables of Social Benefit Systems in the Member States of the European Communities, Portugal and Spain", a copy of which is in the Library of the House.

Since 1 January 1983 the United Kingdom situation has changed in that, from 6 April 1983, injury benefit was abolished and sickness benefit is payable instead, with the normal contribution conditions for sickness benefit automatically treated as satisfied. Disablement benefit is now available 90 days after the relevant accident.