HL Deb 24 February 1984 vol 448 cc1030-1WA
Lord Avebury

asked Her Majesty's Government:

On what date in November 1983, Mr. James Anderson, a prisoner in Wandsworth, submitted a petition to the Secretary of State asking him to amend the prisoner's record in view of the High Court decision quashing a board of visitors' adjudication on him; on what date the petition was received by the Secretary of State, and when he expects to reply; and why, in the absence of any decision by the Secretary of State. Mr. Anderson has been recharged with the same offence.

Lord Elton

The petition was submitted on 6th December 1983 but I regret that it was not sent on to Prison Department headquarters while the authorities at Wandsworth attempted to take action on the requests it contained. It was withdrawn by Mr. Anderson, who then submitted a further petition which, together with a copy of the withdrawn petition, was received at headquarters on 10th February. Both petitions will be answered shortly. The charges against Mr. Anderson were never withdrawn, and it was decided that the adjudication should be set in motion again in accordance with the terms of the judgment of the Divisional Court.

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