HC Deb 04 December 1984 vol 69 c85W
53. Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a statement on his discussions with the Inner London education authority about its budget.

Sir Keith Joseph

Mrs. Morrell, the leader of the ILEA, came to see me with a few of her colleagues on 19 November to discuss a number of issues. They told me of their intention to set a budget for 1985–86 on 20 November. They claimed that it would not be possible to make reductions sufficient to meet the expenditure level of £900 million determined by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment without causing severe damage to the service. I emphasised that they would not be able to decide a level of expenditure for 1985–86 without regard to the Rates Act 1984. I noted that ILEA's budget in recent years had increased at twice the rate of inflation despite falling school rolls, and said that there should be plenty of scope for economies. I expressed concern that ILEA's expenditure was disproportionate to its results. The greater part of the money raised by the ILEA came from business and had an effect on jobs in London. If ILEA had thought its case good enough it should have approached my right hon. Friend for a redetermination of its expenditure level.

49. Mr. Yeo

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what representations he has received regarding the Inner London education authority's budget proposals for 1985–86.

Sir Keith Joseph

I have received a substantial number of letters both directly and through right hon. and hon. Members. In addition, ILEA has given me a copy of the responses to its consultation document on the 1985–86 budget. I met a delegation from the ILEA on 19 November and discussed with them, among other subjects, their proposed action on a budget for 1985–86.