HC Deb 01 August 1984 vol 65 c257W
Mr. Bowen Wells

asked the Secretary of State for Transport what conclusions he has reached on proposals for introducing private capital into road construction.

Mr. Ridley

In consultation with the civil engineering industry and merchant bank advisers my Department has examined the proposition of introducing private capital into road construction by a system of royalty payments to contractors or financiers based on the amount of traffic using the road once completed. The objectives were that the higher cost involved in raising finance privately in comparison with public finance should be outweighed by economic and construction benefits and that commercial

Organisation Employees Change Per cent.
British Airways (formerly BEA & BOAC) 26,319 (31 March 1954) 36,794 (31 March 1984) +40
British Airports Authority 3,128 (1 April 1966) 6,969 (31 March 1984) +123
Civil Aviation Authority 8,272 (1 April 1972) 7,036 (31 March 1984) -15
British Rail (formerly part of BTC) 616,946 (1 January 1954) 197,337 (31 May 1984) -68
National Bus Company 80,344 (31 December 1969) 51,015 (31 December 1983) -37

I also became responsible for London Regional Transport on 29 June 1984. The latest available figure for staff employed by London Transport is 56,948 on 23 June 1984.