HL Deb 25 April 1984 vol 451 c122WA
Lord Brockway

asked Her Majesty's Government whether:

  1. (a) they still intend to build and use a shooting range at Gatow Airport in Berlin in view of the liability of the commandant to pay compensation to nearby residents for the nuisance arising from the noise caused by each day's shooting on the range;
  2. (b) they intend to indemnify the commandant for any such compensation;
  3. (c) apart from the commandant's liability, the residents affected by the noise will be able to claim damages in nuisance to the fullest possible extent under Ordnance 508 under the laws of England and Wales and of Germany;
  4. (d) there is a tribunal to determine any such claim;
  5. (e) they will state by whom compensation will be paid if it is held to be payable.

Baroness Young

The British Military Government, Berlin is constructing a shooting range at Gatow airfield. Ordinance No. 508 of the British, French and American Sectors of Berlin, as amended, and the regulations made thereunder set out the rules and machinery for compensation claims for occupation damages suffered within Berlin. The ordnance provides for such claims to be determined by the appropriate German authorities and courts in Berlin.