HC Deb 03 April 1984 vol 57 cc480-7W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list the number of awards of attendance allowance which were made in 1983, nationally and in each social security region; and if he will break down the national figure by the length of time for which they were made.

Mr. Newton

The information available is as follows. I regret that a regional breakdown could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

Attendance allowance awards (new and renewal claims) 1983
Duration of awards (years)
Fewer than one 2,254
One fewer than two 17,343
Two fewer than three 21,978
Three fewer than four 8,780
Four fewer than five 2,986
Five and over 11,417
Life 142,365
Total 207,123

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State (for Social Services if he will list the number of people in receipt of attendance allowance at each rate at 31 December 1983; and if he will break down the figures by social security region and the rate per 1,000 population in each region.

Mr. Newton

The information is as follows. It relates to 31 March 1983, the latest date for which figures are available. All figures are estimates.

Region* Higher rate Lower rate
Number in receipt Rate† Number in receipt Rate†
Northern 8,500 2.8 12,000 3.9
Yorkshire and Humberside 13,500 2.8 21,000 4.2
East Midlands 14,500 3.7 18,500 4.8
East Anglia 3,500 1.9 5,000 2.5
South-East 48,500 2.9 64,500 3.8
South-West 14,500 3.3 20,500 4.6
West Midlands 19,000 3.6 25,500 4.9
North-West 24,500 3.8 34,500 5.3
Wales 16,000 5.7 17,000 6.1
Scotland 14,500 2.8 19,500 3.8
Great Britain 177,000 3.2 238,000 4.3
* The regions are Standard Regions and do not match social security regions precisely.
† per 1,000 population.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if he will list the number of applications for attendance allowance in the last year for which figures are available, in each of the preceding two years nationally

Tabie 1. Attendance allowance—initial decisions 1981–1983
1981 1982 1983
Region Number of decisions Higher rate awards Lower rate awards Number of decisions Higher rate awards Lower rate awards Number of decisions Higher rate awards Lower rate awards
Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent.
Northern 8,594 2,340 26.1 3,128 34.9 10,572 2,345 22.2 4,008 37.9 9,793 2,072 21.2 3,794 38.7
Yorkshire & Humberside 13,927 3,416 24.5 5,910 42.4 16,170 3,788 23.4 6,945 42.9 21,142 5.020 23.7 10.094 47.7
East Midlands & East Anglia 14,001 4,942 35.3 6,680 47.7 17,568 5.960 33.9 8,756 49.8 17,288 5,226 30.2 7,835 45.3
London North 10,100 2,688 26.6 5,191 51.4 13,230 3,563 26.9 6,602 49.9 21,229 5,517 26.0 10,158 47.8
London South 16,191 4,923 30.4 8,106 50.1 21,351 8,827 4.13 9,479 44.4 31,440 10,927 34.8 15,219 34.8
London West* 10,054 3,143 31.3 4,837 48.1 10,367 3,015 29.1 5,044 48.7 492 168 34.1 228 34.1
South Western 13,482 4,102 30.4 6,105 45.3 16,075 5,127 31.9 7,732 48.1 16,705 5,017 30.0 8,311 49.8
West Midlands 13,136 3,888 29.6 6,495 49.4 18,068 5,415 30.0 9,688 53.6 23,235 7,012 42.0 11,707 50.4
North Western (Manchester) 10,106 2,743 27.1 4,392 43.5 12,205 3,053 25.0 5,769 47.3 16,283 4,074 25.0 7,666 47.0
North Western (Merseyside) 10,496 3,396 32.4 4,606 43.9 12,375 4,047 32.7 5,624 45.4 17,995 5,494 30.5 8,138 45.2
Scotland 14,821 3,358 22.7 5,719 38.6 17,013 4,038 23.7 6,414 37.7 21,956 4,520 20.6 7,876 35.9
Wales 13,359 3,587 26.9 4,324 32.4 16,522 4,803 29.1 5,489 33.2 19,749 6,119 31.0 7,294 36.9
Great Britain 148,267 42,526 28.7 65,493 44.2 181,516 53,981 29.7 81,550 44.9 217,307 61,166 28.1 98,325 45.2
* January only in 1983. Work divided between London North and London South thereafter.
Table 2. Attendance allowance—renewal decisions 1981–1983
1981 1982 1983
Region Number of decisions Higher rate awards Lower rate awards Number of decisions Higher rate awards Lower rate awards Number of decisions Higher rate awards Lower rate awards
Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent.
Northern 1,956 705 36.0 1,012 51.7 2,058 631 30.7 1,144 55.6 2,396 677 28.3 1,439 60.1
Yorkshire & Humberside 2,924 895 31.0 1,687 57.7 3,269 992 30.3 1,907 58.3 3,317 1,081 32.6 1,978 59.6
East Midlands & East Anglia 3,395 1,256 37.0 1,978 58.3 4,130 1,769 42.8 2,157 52.2 3,480 1,408 40.5 1,678 48.2
London North 2,765 936 33.9 1,669 60.4 4,334 1,572 36.3 2,505 57.8 7,936 2,671 33.7 4,318 54.4
London South 2,899 990 34.1 1,690 58.3 4,069 1,465 36.0 2,293 56.4 5,925 2,209 37.3 3,365 56.8
London West* 3,327 1,088 32.7 1,950 58.6 2,518 868 34.5 1,422 56.5 329 116 35.3 183 55.6
South Western 2,358 857 36.3 1,259 53.4 2,762 1,018 36.9 1,463 53.0 2,769 999 36.1 1,490 53.8
West Midlands 3,563 1,311 36.8 1,936 54.3 4,328 2,132 49.3 2,027 46.8 4,744 1,712 36.1 2,685 56.6
North Western (Manchester) 2,309 833 36.1 1,215 52.6 2,486 814 32.7 1,391 56.0 2,416 803 33.2 1,371 56.7
North Western (Merseyside) 2,592 995 38.4 1,432 55.2 2,573 1,002 38.9 1,422 55.3 3,460 1,266 36.6 1,931 55.8
Scotland 2,797 924 33.0 1,563 55.9 2,545 791 31.1 1,452 57.1 3,022 835 37.6 1,674 55.4
Wales 2,462 1,011 41.1 1,180 47.9 3,289 1,367 41.6 1,614 49.1 3,186 1,275 40.0 1,603 50.3
North Fylde Central Offices† 7,571 2,388 31.5 5,183 68.5
Great Britain 33,347 11,801 35.4 18,571 55.7 38,361 14,421 37.6 20,797 54.2 50,551 17,440 34.5 28,898 57.2
* January only in 1983. Work divided between London North and London South thereafter.
† From mid 1983 renewal which can be decided favourably without further medical examination have been dealt with at North Fylde Central Offices.
Attendance allowance—reviews 1981
Requests for review Result of review
After refusal of award* After award† at lower rate Awards made after disallowance‡ Award increased from lower lo higher rate Award reduced or withdrawn║
Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions
Northern 706 6.7 718 6.8 450 4.3 540 5.1 46 0.4
Yorkshire and Humberside 831 4.9 1,104 6.6 549 3.3 811 4.8 58 0.3
East Midlands and East Anglia 438 2.5 1,005 5.8 264 1.5 726 4.2 70 0.4
London North 501 3.9 833 6.5 320 2.5 612 4.8 48 0.4
London South 439 2.3 1,010 5.3 296 1.6 749 3.9 51 0.3
London West 684 5.1 1,317 9.8 494 3.7 981 7.3 62 0.5

and in each social security region; and in each case how many and what proportion (a) were awarded (i) the higher rate and (ii) the lower rate, on initial application, (b) requested a review after (i) refusal of the allowance and (ii) award of the lower rate and (c) upon review were (i) awarded the lower rate, (ii) awarded the higher rate, (iii) had the lower rate increased to the higher rate and (iv) had the lower rate withdrawn;

(2) if he will list the number of applications for renewal of attendance allowance in the last year for which figures are available, in each of the preceding two years nationally and in each social security region; and in each case and what proportion and number (a) were awarded (i) the higher rate and (ii) the lower rate, on initial application, (b) requested a review after (i) refusal of the allowance and (ii) award of the lower rate and (c) upon review were (i) awarded the lower rate, (ii) awarded the higher rate, (iii) had the lower rate increased to the higher rate and (iv) had the lower rate withdrawn.

Mr. Newton

The information available is as follows. It relates to decisions given in the relevant years, not to applications made in those years.

Requests for review Result of review
After refusal of award* After award† at lower rate Awards made after disallowance‡ Award increased from lower to higher rate Award reduced or withdrawn║
Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions
South Western 594 3.8 1,068 6.7 377 2.4 768 4.8 78 0.5
West Midlands 612 3.7 882 5.3 417 2.5 671 4.0 45 0.3
North Western (Manchester) 504 4.1 938 7.6 344 2.8 718 5.8 41 0.3
North Western (Merseyside) 628 4.8 1,454 11.1 437 3.3 1,111 8.5 58 1.4
Scotland 1,214 6.9 1,053 6.0 818 4.6 796 4.5 56 0.3
Wales 1,270 8.0 1,013 6.4 856 5.4 744 4.7 42 0.3
Great Britain 8,421 4.6 12,395 6.8 5,622 3.1 9,227 5.1 655 0.4
* It is not possible to distinguish between reviews on initial claims and reviews on renewal claims.
† Details are of reviews because of dissatisfaction with the award or because of a change in the need for attention or supervision.
‡ It is not possible to distinguish between reviews which led to an award at the lower rate from those awarded at the higher rate.
║ It is not possible to distinguish between reviews which led to withdrawal of the allowance from those which resulted in a lower rate.
Table 4. Attendance allowance—reviews 1982
Requests for review Result of review
After refusal of award* After award† at lower rate Awards made after disallowance‡ Award increased from lower lo higher rate Award reduced or withdrawn║
Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions Number Percentage of all decisions
Northern 776 6.1 808 6.4 447 3.5 588 4.7 35 0.3
Yorkshire and Humberside 1,066 5.5 1,366 7.0 699 3.6 1,010 5.2 63 0.3
East Midlands and East Anglia 413 1.9 1,484 6.8 216 1.0 1,071 4.9 93 0.4
London North 528 3.0 1,156 6.6 345 2.0 873 5.0 66 0.4
London South 499 2.0 1,285 5.1 322 1.3 961 3.8 60 0.2
London West 551 4.3 1,711 13.3 360 2.8 1,257 9.8 93 0.7
South Western 499 2.6 1,458 7.7 283 1.5 1,012 5.4 101 0.5
West Midlands 788 3.5 1,190 5.3 480 2.1 876 3.9 72 0.3
North Western (Manchester) 485 3.3 1,086 7.4 299 2.0 848 5.8 46 0.3
North Western (Merseyside) 513 3.4 2,050 13.7 325 2.2 1,558 10.4 85 0.6
Scotland 1.308 6.7 1,398 7.1 780 4.0 1,026 5.2 55 0.3
Wales 1,352 6.8 1,380 7.0 794 4.0 1,013 5.1 74 0.4
Great Britain 8,778 4.0 16,372 7.4 5,350 2.4 12,093 5.5 845 0.4
* It is not possible to distinguish between reviews on initial claims and reviews on renewal claims.
† Details are of reviews because of dissatisfaction with the award or because of a change in the need for attention or supervision.
‡ It is not possible to distinguish between reviews which led to an award at the lower rate from those awarded at the higher rate.
║ It is not possible to distinguish between reviews which led to withdrawal of the allowance from those which resulted in a lower rate.
Table 5 Attendance allowance—reviews 1983
Requests for review Result of review
After refusal of award* After award† at lower rate Awards made after disallowance‡ Award increased from lower 10 higher rate Award reduced or withdrawn║
Number Percentage of all decisions ¶ Number Percentage of all decisions ¶ Number Percentage of all decisions ¶ Number Percentage of all decisions ¶ Number Percentage of all decisions ¶
Northern 837 6.9 927 7.6 397 3.3 675 5.5 50 0.4
Yorkshire and Humberside 1,194 4.9 1,715 7.0 652 2.7 1,206 4.9 75 0.3
East Midlands and East Anglia 614 3.0 1,715 8.3 291 1.4 1,205 5.8 109 0.5
London North 963 3.3 1,836 6.3 629 2.2 1,347 4.6 93 0.3
London South 191 0.5 712 1.9 106 0.3 475 3.8 33 0.1
London West• 641 1,961 371 1,438 93
South Western 592 3.0 1,856 9.5 276 1.4 1,336 6.9 107 0.5
West Midlands 770 2.8 1,249 4.5 402 1.4 888 3.2 64 0.2
North Western (Manchester) 772 4.1 1,691 9.0 429 2.3 1,295 6.9 68 0.4
North Western (Merseyside) 710 3.3 2,580 12.0 421 2.0 1,964 9.2 130 0.6
Scotland 1,582 6.3 1,732 6.9 810 3.2 1,261 5.0 111 0.4
Wales 1,366 6.0 1,637 7.1 743 3.2 1,199 5.2 88 0.4
Great Britain 10,232 3.8 19,611 7.3 5,527 2.1 14,292 5.3 1,011 0.4
* It is not possible to distinguish between reviews on initial claims and reviews on renewal claims.
† Details are of reviews because of dissatisfaction with the award or because of a change in the need for attention or supervision.
‡ It is not possible to distinguish between reviews which led to an award at the lower rate from those awarded at the higher rate.
║ It is not possible to distinguish between reviews which led to withdrawal of the allowance from those which resulted in a lower rate.
¶ These percentages are overstated to an extent because some decisions on renewal claims are taken at North Fylde Central Offices (see tables 1 and 2) and cannot be related to particular social security regions.
• Comparisons are not possible because no new claims were received by London West after January 1983 (see tables 1 and 2) but review work continued throughout the year.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average length of time between receipt of a claim for attendance allowance and the issue of an order book (a) when the allowance is awarded on the initial application and (b) when it is awarded after a review.

Mr. Newton

(a) 12 weeks (b) 15 weeks.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average time between receipt by the Social Security Commissioner of an appeal concerning attendance allowance after leave to appeal has been granted and a decision on that appeal; and how long it takes to grant leave of appeal in such cases.

Mr. Newton

The average time between receipt by the commissioner of an appeal concerning attendance allowance after leave to appeal has been granted is 66 working days. The average time taken between receipt of an application seeking leave to appeal and the commissioner's ruling on that application is 15 working days. These figures have been calculated using the statistical data from 1 September 1983 to 2 March 1984.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list the number of reviews of attendance allowance during the currency of an award in the last year for which figures are available, in each of the preceding two years nationally and in each social security region which were instituted (a) by him and (b) by the

Attendance Allowance 1981–83
Reviews instituted at request of claimant after award 1981
Total number of reviews after award* Award reduced or withdrawn† Award maintained Award increased from lower to higher rate
Number Per cent. Number Per cent. Number Per cent.
Northern 718 46 6.4 132 18.4 540 75.2
Yorkshire and Humberside 1,104 58 5.3 235 21.3 811 73.5
East Midlands and East Anglia 1,005 70 7.0 209 20.8 726 72.2
London North 833 48 5.8 173 20.8 612 73.5
London South 1,010 51 5.0 210 20.8 749 74.2
London West 1,317 62 4.7 274 20.8 981 74.5
South Western 1,068 78 7.3 222 20.8 768 71.9
West Midlands 882 45 5.1 166 18.8 671 76.1
North Western (Manchester) 938 41 4.4 179 19.1 718 76.5
North Western (Merseyside) 1,454 58 4.0 285 19.6 1,111 76.4
Scotland 1,053 56 5.3 201 19.1 796 75.6
Wales 1,013 42 4.2 227 22.4 744 73.4
Great Britain 12,395 655 5.3 2,513 20.3 9,227 74.4
Total number of reviews after award* Award reduced or withdrawn† Award maintained Award increased from lower to higher rate
Number Per cent. Number Per cent. Number Per cent.
Northern 808 35 4.3 185 22.9 588 72.8
Yorkshire and Humberside 1,366 65 4.8 291 21.3 1,010 73.9
East Midlands and East Anglia 1,484 93 6.3 320 21.6 1,071 72.2
London North 1,156 66 5.7 217 18.8 873 75.5
London South 1,285 60 4.7 264 20.5 961 74.8
London West 1,711 93 5.4 361 21.1 1,257 73.5
South Western 1,458 101 6.9 345 23.7 1,012 69.4
West Midlands 1,190 72 6.1 242 20.3 876 73.6
North Western (Manchester) 1,086 46 4.2 192 17.7 848 78.1
North Western (Merseyside) 2,050 85 4.1 407 19.9 1,558 76.0
Scotland 1,398 55 3.9 317 22.7 1,026 73.4
Wales 1,380 74 5.4 293 21.2 1,013 73.4
Great Britain 16,372 845 5.2 3,434 21.0 12,093 73.9
Total number of reviews after award* Award reduced or withdrawn† Award maintained Award increased from lower to higher rate
Number Per cent. Number Per cent. Number Per cent.
Northern 927 50 5.4 202 21.8 675 72.8
Yorkshire and Humberside 1,715 75 4.4 434 25.3 1,206 70.3
East Midlands and East Anglia 1,715 109 6.4 401 23.4 1,205 70.3
London North 1,836 93 5.1 396 21.6 1,347 73.4
London South 712 33 4.6 204 28.7 475 66.7
London West 1,961 83 4.3 437 22.3 1,441 73.5
South Western 1,856 107 5.8 413 22.3 1,336 72.0
West Midlands 1,249 64 5.1 297 23.8 888 71.1
North Western (Manchester) 1,691 68 4.0 328 19.4 1,295 76.6
North Western (Merseyside) 2,580 130 5.0 486 18.8 1,964 76.1
Scotland 1,732 111 6.4 360 20.8 1,261 72.8
Wales 1,637 88 5.4 350 21.4 1,199 73.2
Great Britain 19,611 1,011 5.2 4,308 22.0 14,292 72.9

claimant; and what, in each case, was the number and proportion in which (i) the allowance was withdrawn (ii) the existing award was retained, (iii) the higher rate was decreased to the lower rate, and (iv) the lower rate was increased to the higher rate.

Mr. Newton

The information available is as follows. It relates to decisions given in the relevant years, not to applications made in those years.

*Includes reviews because of dissatisfaction with an award and because of a change in the need for attention or supervision.

†It is not possible to distinguish between reviews which led to withdrawal of the allowance and those which resulted in a lower rate.

Attendance allowance 1981–1983
Reviews instituted at request of Secretary of State after award
Great Britain* Total number of reviews Award withdrawn Award maintained Award reduced from higher rate to lower rate Award increased from lower rate to higher rate
Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent. Number per cent.
1981 525 212 40.4 238 45.3 52 9.9 23 4.4
1982 563 248 44.0 256 45.5 39 6.9 20 3.6
1983 622 244 39.2 307 49.4 57 9.2 14 2.2
* It is not possible to provide a breakdown by social security region.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average length of time between receipt of a claim for mobility allowance and the issue of an order book (a) when the allowance is awarded on the initial application, (b) when it is awarded by a medical board and (c) when it is awarded by a medical appeal tribunal on appeal from a board.

Mr. Newton

The time from receipt of a claim for mobility allowance to the issue of an orderbook is normally 12 weeks where the allowance is awarded by the insurance officer on the basis of a report by an examining medical practitioner, and about 19 weeks where awarded by a medical board. Such information is not available about claims that go on appeal either to a medical board or to a medical appeal tribunal because the length of time between the disallowance of a claim and the making of the appeal varies so widely.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many decisions were made in 1983 by the Social Security Commissioner on appeals (a) by him and (b) by the claimant concerning attendance allowance; and, in each case, in what number of cases the allowance was awarded.

Mr. Newton

In 1983 the Social Security Commissioner made 42 decisions on appeals concerning attendance allowance. Of these one was an appeal by the insurance officer and the remaining 41 were appeals by the claimant. Of the 41 made by the claimant, 34 related to determinations by the attendance allowance board. Seventeen were found not to be erroneous in law. In the other 17 cases the original determination was set aside. Of the 14 cases subsequently decided by the board, in 12 the fresh determination was more favourable to the claimant; in the other two the determination resulted in no change. A further three are awaiting decisions by the board. The remaining eight cases related to decisions of a local tribunal. Of these, two were decided in the claimant's favour.