HC Deb 03 April 1984 vol 57 cc447-8W
Sir Hugh Rossi

asked the Secretary of State for Wales in which health authority areas amniocentesis is performed with a view to recommending an abortion dependent upon the results of the tests.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

Facilities for amniocentesis are available in all major obstetric units. The decision to offer amniocentesis or termination of pregnancy to the individual patient is a matter for the clinical judgment of the consultant after consideration of all the available evidence of possible foetal abnormality not simply that obtained by amniocentesis.

Sir Hugh Rossi

asked the Secretary of State for Wales in which health authority areas pregnant women are offered amniocentesis only if they first consent to an abortion dependent on the results of the tests.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

The exact information requested is not held centrally. Counselling, which involves an explanation of the procedures employed for the detection of possible foetal abnormalities, is regarded as an essential element in antenatal care if an offer of such a service is to be made to an expectant mother. The offer is made without preconditions; it is for the woman to decide whether to have the test in the light of a full explanation from her doctor of its significance and possible risks.

Sir Hugh Rossi

asked the Secretary of State for Wales (1) what information he has as to the frequency in Wales with which amniocentesis causes (a) complications in pregnancy, (b) damage to the foetus and (c) inadvertent death of the foetus;

(2) in what percentage of cases in Wales amniocentesis has indicated abnormalities whereas the foetuses subsequently have been found to be normal.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

This information is not held centrally.