HC Deb 24 November 1983 vol 49 cc231-2W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing United Kingdom shipbuilding capacity and the numbers employed in shipbuilding and ship repair in 1953, 1963, 1973 and 1983.

United Kingdom's crude balance of trade in manufactures*
£ million
Trade with 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
Federal Republic of Germany -96 -167 -307 -624 -900 -149 -1,030 -1,334 -1,868 -2,523 -2,001 -2,152 -3,321 -3,770
France +58 +45 +2 -89 -106 -157 -119 -280 -535 -727 -439 -594 -537 -804
Italy +24 -1 -36 -70 -110 -186 -190 376 -667 -796 -368 -497 -835 -820
Netherlands +84 +87 +55 +11 -43 +10 +47 +294 +162 +84 +184 -191 -430 -556
Belgium/Luxembourg +92 +70 +29 -8 -2 -34 -60 -125 -177 -403 -168 -379 -529 -355
Denmark +98 +78 +59 +78 +96 +129 +234 +264 +179 +147 +114 -5 -1 -35
Ireland +163 +159 +166 +218 +245 +265 +347 +476 +735 +954 +793 +690 +547 +328
Greece +40 +59 +55 +69 +70 +84 +104 +171 +141 +184 +140 +136 +137 +140
United States of America -118 +108 +183 +114 -181 -230 -184 -261 -176 -541 -1,422 -1,107 -1,278 -979
Japan +19 -32 -141 -196 -269 -379 -464 -641 -800 -960 -1,185 -1,657 -2,045 -2,002
* Standard International Trade Classification Sections 5 to 8.
January to September.

Source: Overseas Trade Statistics

Mr. Butcher

Shipbuilding capacity in United Kingdom shipyards is a difficult concept to measure as it depends upon the manning levels of physical facilities and on labour productivity. In the short term, the level of completions may be considered indicative of current capacity, but in the longer term the index of production for shipbuilding and ship repair is considered a more suitable measure. The available figures together with the information sought on employment are as follows:

Index of production for shipbuilding and ship repair 1980=100 Employment in shipbuilding and ship repair 000's, mid year
1953 * 224
1963 * 157
1973 122 159
1983 113 120
* Not available
†Source: Department of Employment.
‡ Average for the first 8 months of 1983.