HC Deb 12 May 1983 vol 42 cc502-3W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what is the annual cost of providing factor VIII for the treatment of haemophiliacs; what resources have been allocated to increase the existing production of factor VIII towards self-sufficiency; and if he will make a statement;

(2) if he has any plans to make additional resources available in order to secure national self-sufficiency in the production of factor VIII; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Geoffrey Finsberg

The blood products laboratory at Elstree is being up-graded at a cost of £2 million and will, over the next three years be redeveloped at a cost of £21 million. When completed, the new Laboratory will be of a size capable of making England and Wales self-sufficient in blood products, including factor VIII. Information about the annual cost of providing factor VIII is not available centrally.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many units of factor VIII have been used for the treatment of haemophiliacs in each of the last three years; what is the estimated annual requirement for such treatment; and what assistance is being given to health authorities to secure adequate supplies.

Mr. Geoffrey Finsberg

The latest available figures for usage of factor VIII are: 1980–57.7 million units and 1981–65.7 million units. There is no evidence that the requirements for adequate treatment are not being met.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many units of factor VIII were (a) imported and (b) manufactured in the United Kingdom in each of the last three years.

Mr. Geoffrey Finsberg

Details of imports of factor VIII are not held centrally. However, 35.5 million units of imported factor VIII were used in 1981, the latest year for which figures are available.

In 1981–82 22 million units of factor VIII were manufactured by the blood products laboratory. Figures for earlier years are not immediately available.

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