HC Deb 22 November 1982 vol 32 cc369-70W
Mr. Alexander W. Lyon

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many jobs have been provided in the York area by each of the job creation schemes.

Mr. Alison

The table details the information, where available, of the number of people currently being supported in the city of York under the various special employment measures at the latest date:

Measure Number Supported
Temporary short-time working compensation scheme See Note 1
Job Release Scheme—See Note 2 451
Youth Opportunities Programme—See Note 3 580
Community Industry—See Note 4 Nil
Community Enterprise Programme and Community Programe—See Note 5 71
Young Workers Scheme—See Note 6 557


  1. 1. Figures cannot be given because it may enable the firms claiming support under TSTWCS to be identified.
  2. 2. Relates to the number of people who were receiving payments of job release allowance on 3 November 1982.
  3. 3. The figure is the cumulative total of the number of entrants into the programme between April and September 1982. This compares with a cumulative entrant figure for the whole of the previous financial year of 810.
  4. 4. At present there is no unit in York.
  5. 5. The figure relates to the number of occupied places in the York area under the community programme and the community enterprise programme. The target figure for occupied places for both programmes by March 1983 is 147.
  6. 6. The figure represents the number of applications that have been approved in York since the start of the scheme in January 1982.

Mr. Alexander W. Lyon

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what proportion of people on youth opportunities programme schemes in the York area have obtained permanent jobs at the end of their participation in the scheme.

Mr. Peter Morrison

Results from the latest national survey of young people's activities after leaving the youth opportunities programme, which covered those who entered the programme in the second quarter of 1981, show that about 41 per cent. went into employment. A further 11 per cent. went into full-time education or were participating in another scheme.

It is not possible to provide information for specific areas.