HC Deb 18 March 1982 vol 20 cc164-5W
Mr. Allen McKay

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will estimate the number of civil servants in receipt of family income supplement.

Mr. Newton

I regret that figures are not available in a form which would enable such an estimate to be made. Recipients of family income supplement are classified in 16 broad occupational categories. The two groups most likely to include some civil servants are clerical and office workers; and administrators social, professional and technical workers.

The hon. Member may, however, find it helpful to know that, at the end of October 1981, the latest date for which estimates are available, the total number of FIS recipients in these groups were estimated to be 22,900, of whom 1,400 were employed in the public sector. At that time, the total of all FIS recipients was estimated to be 124,400, of whom 10,100 were employed in the public sector. For this purpose "public sector" comprises Government Departments, local authorities, nationalised industries and public corporations, boards and trusts.