HC Deb 17 February 1982 vol 18 c169W
Mr. Grimond

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were the administrative costs of running the Scottish Office in 1978–79 and 1980–81 respectively.

Mr. Younger

Administrative expenditure on the "Other Services: Scottish Office Vote" amounted to £43.6 million and £65.3 million in each of the years respectively. The figure for 1980–81 includes £3.9 million in respect of services which in 1978–79 were charged to other Votes. The figures for both years exclude expenditure by other Departments in support of the Scottish Office, for example expenditure by the Property Services Agency on accommodation.

An estimate of total running costs in 1980–81 on a different basis was given in the annex to "Efficiency in the Civil Service", Cmnd. 8293. The figures given there for the Scottish Office covered much more than administrative costs and included the Scottish prison service, the Royal Scottish museum, the State hospital and other units of the Scottish Office whose expenditure was borne on other Votes.