- Youth Training Scheme 83 words
- School Standards 45 words
- Animal Breeding Research Organisation 100 words
- Scottish Universities 318 words
- Teacher Training 78 words
- Part-time Education 66 words
- Mathematics 158 words
- Higher Education (Financing) 116 words
- Scientific Satellites 107 words
- Student Union Financing 49 words
- School Buses 23 words
- School Closures 1,852 words
- Assisted Places 63 words
- Polytechnics 96 words
- Parental Freedom of Choice 39 words
- Professional Association of Teachers 112 words
- Teachers' Council 109 words
- Universities 105 words
- Section 12 Proposals 89 words
- Staff-student Ratios 232 words
- Secondary School Pupils 161 words
- School Transport 55 words
- Teachers (Dismissal) 47 words
- "Alternative to Domestic Rates" 116 words
- Glue Sniffing 70 words
- Sheffield (Sixth Forms) 71 words
- Ealing 71 words
- Teachers (Criminal Offences) 145 words