HL Deb 02 August 1982 vol 434 cc661-2WA
Lord Brockway

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action they are taking to end the injustice to the non-designated officers of the dissolved East African Community who have received no pension because the partner states are paying them only to their own nationals; and whether they will initiate discussions with the partner states to remedy this situation.

Lord Belstead

As part of the arrangements under which responsibility has been assumed for certain overseas pension matters, Her Majesty's Government have been paying pensions since April 1979 to those non-designated officers of the dissolved East African Community who did not become citizens of the partner states.

The continuing non-payment of pensions to the separate category of former East African Community pensioners known as "non-nationals" is a matter solely for the partner Governments. However, our High Commissions in East Africa have been asked to bring to the attention of the Governments to which they are accredited the concern felt by the Overseas Service Pensioners' Association over the non-payment of these pensions.