HC Deb 06 April 1982 vol 21 cc274-5W
Dr. Glyn

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department in which police forces the Döppler hand-held radar device for checking the speed of vehicles is in use; and if he is satisfied that this device is sufficiently accurate to warrant prosecution, even where all the instructions are adhered to.

Mr. Mayhew

This information is not collected centrally, but I understand that the device is used in about 30 forces. My right hon. Friend is satisfied that there is no reason to doubt its accuracy provided it is operated correctly.

Dr. Glyn

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his Department has evaluated the accuracy and reliability of the Döppler hand-held radar device for assessing the speed of vehicles; or whether any assessment, other than an assessment by the manufacturer, has been made.

Mr. Mayhew

This is a matter for chief officers of police. The Association of Chief Police Officers' working party which originally examined the suitability of radar devices for police use was given some technical advice by the Home Office telecommunications branch. In its recent review of the equipment the association had the benefit of two independent technical advisers.