HC Deb 30 October 1981 vol 10 c488W

Mr. Ray Powell asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether any estimates have been made of the casualties from nuclear war in the individual communities of Mid-Glamorgan.

Mr. Mayhew:

Possible casualties from any nuclear attack can be estimated only by reference to the weight of attack, targeting pattern and various other factors such as weather conditions. In the absence of prior knowledge of the targeting intentions of a potential enemy and of these other factors it is not possible to estimate casualties in individual communities.

Mr. Ray Powell asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will publish details of preparations being made in respect of a nuclear war by (a) local authorities, (b) area health authorities, (c) the public utilities, such as gas, water and electricity and (d) any voluntary body being grant-aided from public funds.

Mr. Mayhew:

The Home Office issues advisory circulars to local authorities, which cover liaison with health authorities, public utilities and voluntary bodies. These circulars in the ES series are available in the Library of the House and may be obtained by members of the public free of charge on application to the Home Office—F6 Division.

Mr. Ray Powell asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what measure of protection will be afforded to the civilian population in the communities of Mid-Glamorgan in the event of a nuclear attack.

Mr. Mayhew:

Substantial protection against radiation may be obtained in the home by the fairly simple methods described in the booklet "Protect and Survive". Guidance on shelter construction is offered in the booklet "Domestic Nuclear Shelters" and the book "Domestic Nuclear Shelters Technical Guidance". All three publications are on sale to the public through Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Additionally, a national survey is proposed to identify existing structures which could serve as communal shelters. Discussions with the local authority associations are at present taking place on how best to achieve this survey.