HC Deb 26 October 1981 vol 10 c265W

Mr. Speed asked the Secretary of State for Transport what proportion of the M1 motorway currently is under repair; and if he is satisfied with the safety arrangements made for traffic in the areas being repaired.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke:

This year we have strengthened 68 miles of carriageway and hard shoulder which is about 17 per cent. of the total carriageway length of the M1. The Department takes considerable care in designing lane diversions with help from the police, local authorities and motoring organisations. The frequency of accidents at these sites is less this year than it was last year but is still too high. We are looking at ways of introducing clearer signs and more effective layouts but it is also vital that drivers should keep their speed down and maintain a safe distance between vehicles. Most of the accidents are of the "nose to tail" variety because drivers are travelling too close behind the vehicle in front.