HC Deb 21 July 1981 vol 9 c76W
Mr. Roper

asked the Lord Privy Seal when he now expects the vacancy for a director of the population bureau of the Overseas Development Administration to be advertised; and when he expects it to be filled.

Mr. Neil Marten

We have no plans at the moment to advertise for a director of the population bureau. Although, as my hon. Friend the then Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the hon. Member for Blackpool, South (Mr. Blaker) informed hon. Members on 22 May—[Vol. 5, c.186]—we had previously decided to appoint a new director, we have since been reviewing how ODA's population activities can best be organised under the general control of the under-secretary concerned. I shall inform the House as soon as the review has been completed: this will cover the question of the post of director of the population bureau.