HC Deb 19 January 1981 vol 997 cc11-2W
32. Mr. Clinton Davis

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will make a statement outlining Her Majesty's Government's policy with regard to flags of convenience.

Mr. Eyre

The Government wish to see the preservation of a freely competitive international shipping environment and believe that each nation should be free to set its own conditions for admission to its register, subject only to the full observation of internationally agreed standards.

By the same token the choice of flag is a matter for the ship owner, who must be free to make a commercial decision taking into account relative operating costs, including labour costs.

In international discussions on flags of convenience, the United Kingdom will continue to oppose any measures which are likely to reduce competition in shipping with the consequent increase in the costs of international trade.

43. Mr. R. C. Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade how many merchant ships formerly under the British flag were transferred to flags of convenience during 1980; and what was the total tonnage.

Mr. Eyre

The available statistics on such transfers includes sales by British to foreign owners, and these account for the great majority of such transfers. It is not, therefore, usually possible to distinguish the minority of transfers to other flags where the British owner retains an interest in the ship. As there is no generally agreed definition of a "flag of convenience", the table below gives transfers to all foreign flags (up to end-November 1980, the latest date available).

Transfers of ships from the United Kingdom register for further trading, January to November 1980
Flag No. of Ships Grt '000 DWT '000
Greece 21 232 344
Panama 17 177 269
Hong Kong 9 168 262
Liberia 7 155 280
Singapore 6 77 121
Italy 5 61 83
Saudi Arabia 3 125 242
Cyprus 3 25 36
Canada 3 15 20
Cuba 2 18 30
Lebanon 2 10 14
Argentina 2 9 12
Cayman Islands 2 3 4
Bahamas 1 18 2
South Korea 1 15 24
Indonesia 1 10 15
Australia 1 9 11
St. Vincent 1 7 8
France 1 5 5
Bermuda 1 2 2
Honduras 1 1 2
Unknown 3 25 34

Transfers of ships from the United Kingdom register for further trading, January to November 1980
Flag No. of Ships Grt '000 DWT '000
Total 93 1,165 1,819

NB: Due to rounding, sums of the constituent figures of tonnage do not agree with the totals shown.