- Disabled Persons 491 words
- International Year of Disabled People 157 words
- Disabled Persons 382 words
- Willesden 124 words
- Manchester 236 words
- Female Employment 137 words
- Unemployment Statistics 445 words
- Short-time Working 123 words
- Employment Offices (Staffing) 47 words
- Unemployed Persons (County Durham) 1,175 words
- Maritime Boroughs (Unemployment) 588 words
- Unemployed Persons (Macclesfield) 327 words
- Paper and Board Industry (Macclesfield) 40 words
- Health and Safety Inspectorate (Warrants) 87 words
- Unemployed Persons (Preston) 38 words
- School Leavers (St. Helens) 144 words
- Unemployed Persons (North-West Region and St. Helens) 127 words
- Epileptics 492 words
- Absenteeism 166 words