HC Deb 13 January 1981 vol 996 cc483-5W
15. Mr. Bob Dunn

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many local education authorities have now said that they will not give permission for any sixth form child to transfer from a maintained school to an independent school under the

year ended 31 December, on the recommendation of the Standing Commission of Museums and Galleries of individual works of art and museum objects pre-eminent for national, scientific, historic or artistic interest which have been accepted in satisfaction of capital transfer tax, together with information, where applicable, as to wishes expressed in the matter of allocation by testators and executors; and whether he will list the works of art and museum objects which are still awaiting allocation, with the respective dates of their acceptance in satisfaction of capital transfer tax.

Mr. Channon

The following tables give details of those items accepted in lieu of tax which have been allocated to public institutions in the United Kingdom during the half year ended 31 December 1980 or are awaiting allocation.

assisted places scheme; and how many children in those authorities are eligible to benefit from the school sixth forms within the scheme.

Dr. Boyson

It is not possible to estimate how many children in any local education authority's area might be eligible for assisted sixth form places. About a quarter of all local education authorities have expressed varying degrees of opposition to the assisted places scheme or to the transfer of pupils from maintained schools to assisted sixth form places. If a substantial number of authorities refuse to co-operate in the transfer of pupils to assisted place sixth forms regardless of individual circumstances my right hon. and learned Friend will be prepared to consider amending the regulations to remove their power to do so.