HL Deb 31 March 1980 vol 407 cc1253-4WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What changes they propose to make in the arrangements for funding the Refreshment Department (following those announced for the Refreshment Department of another place on 4th December 1979).


In order to give the Refreshment Department staff status, pay and pension rights similar to those of their opposite numbers in another place, it is proposed that the staff costs shall be borne on the House of Lords Vote from 1st April 1980. The present Exchequer Grants for the cost of pay during the periods of recess will cease. The Refreshment Department will be required to meet the staff expenditure shown on the Vote other than the amount which corresponds to the cost of pay in the periods of recess (with the exception of any such costs which relate solely to special functions). There will thus be no net increase in public expenditure. A Supplementary Estimate to give effect to these changes will be presented at the earliest opportunity.

House adjourned at twenty-four minutes before six o'clock.