HC Deb 04 March 1980 vol 980 cc134-5W
Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what has been the level of expenditure in capital and running costs of each of the detoxification centres for each year since 1972; how many persons each has admitted for care for each of these years and with what record of success in each case; what he believes to be the demand for more such centres: and what plans he has to expand these centres in future.

Sir George Young

Two experimental detoxification centres were established in Leeds and Manchester in May 1976 and November 1977, respectively, funded by this Department for the experimental

1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 Total
Opened 3.5.76
Number who entered 754 1,143 883 2,780
Those who left within 24 hours 341 636 444 1,421
Those who completed 10 days 154 205 187 546
Opened 17.10.77
Number who entered 392 498 890
Those who left within 24 hours 157 229 386
Those who completed 10 days 80 94 174
Tower Hamlets—Booth House
Opened 1.9.75
Number who entered 318 340 296 329 1,283
Those who left within 24 hours 27 38 22 23 110
Those who completed 7 days or over 97 117 128 148 490

The Government will also take account of: the recommendation of the Expenditure Committee in its fifteenth report that simpler forms of detoxification should be provided; the extent to which detoxification is available in NHS hospitals; national policies, resources constraints and the other responsibilities of health and social services authorities.

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