§ Mr. Gwilym Robertsasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is the latest available figure for the expenditure on teacher in-service training ; what proportion this constitutes of the total education budget; and what are the corresponding figures for Staffordshire.
§ Dr. BoysonA survey carried out by the Department in 1979 of induction and in-service training in maintained schools in England and Wales indicated a total expenditure by local eduction authorities on in-service training for school teachers of approximately £53.6 million, at outturn prices, in the financial year 1978–79. This constitutes some 08 per cent of the estimated total net recurrent expenditure by local education authorities on education in England and Wales in that year of £6,643 million.
The survey was conducted on the basis that figures provided by individual 433W local education authorities would not be released.