HL Deb 25 February 1980 vol 405 cc1140-1WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list marine accidents which have given rise to oil pollution of the shores of the United Kingdom in the last three years, and state in each case how much has been spent by local and central Government on prevention, attempted prevention, and clean-up, and how much of this has been claimed back from the respective shipowers, from TOVALOP, and from other national or international funds, and how much of such claims has been (a) agreed, and (b) reimbursed.


Information relating to actual or threatened oil spills from shipping casualties which occurred during the two years 1978–79 inclusive is attached. There were no such incidents during 1977.

European Community and OECD policy) should be fully embodied in any eventual international convention.


The United Kingdom is participating fully in the preparatory work in IMCO on a draft convention on liability in connection with the carriage of hazardous substances by sea. Legal, technical and commercial advice is sought as required from all appropriate sources. IMCO is examining the extent to which liability should fall on the carrier and shipper of hazardous substances. The outcome is expected to be consistent with the "Polluter Pays Principle".