HC Deb 06 August 1980 vol 990 cc101-3W
Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) what representations he has received, and from whom, concerning the reduction in financial support for the Medical Research Council; if he is satisfied that the council can adequately fulfil its duties; and if he will make a statement;

(2) if he is satisfied that the present funding of the Medical Research Council will enable it to participate fully in the field of biotechnology; and if he will make a statement.

change this represents over the same period in 1979.

Dr. Boyson

Applications for initial teacher training places—other than for undergraduate training places in universities—are handled by the Central Register and Clearing House/Graduate Teacher Training Registry (CRCH/GTTR). With the agreement of CRCH/GTTR, I give such information as is available in the table below.

DES statistics of enrolments in 1979 broken down by specialist subject are not yet available. Some information from GTTR sources on postgraduate enrolments is available however and is included below.

Mr. Macfarlane

I assume that the hon. Lady's first question refers to the reduction in the level of the science budget announced in June 1979. This resulted in a reduction of just under 1 per cent. being made to the previously announced allocation to the Medical Research Council for 1979–80. In the ensuing months to March 1980, telegrams and letters from individuals and small groups of staff in various units and institutes of the Council, a letter from two holders of council project grants, and letters from the chairman of the council's national joint staff side were received.

For 1980–81, the underlying level of the council's base allocation from the science budget is the same as for 1979–80; for further details, I refer the hon. Lady to the answer I gave to the hon. Member for Liverpool, Scotland Exchange (Mr. Parry) on 1 April.—[Vol. 982, c. 170.]

While decisions have not yet been made on the science budget allocations for 1981–82, I draw to the hon. Lady's attention the guidelines for that year and for two later years which I announced in my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Peterborough on 7 May—[Vol. 984, c. 126–7.]

These show an upward trend. At the present level of funding I am satisfied that the Council can adequately fulfil its duties and can participate in the field of biotechnology.